Shipping Orders
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Pick-up Information
When will the materials be ready for pick-up?
Standard pick-up time
Select Pick-up Time
09:00 – 16:00
12:00 – 17:00
Specific pick-up time (additional fee applies)
What is the pick-up location?
What is the pick-up address?
Pick-up from loading dock or specific room? The default location is loading dock. Provide a room number if it is a specific room.
Any special requirements for pick-up?
Delivery Information
What date does your material need to be delivered?
Can your material be delivered any time before that date?
Standard delivery between 09:00 and 16:00
Specific delivery time (additional fee applies)
What is the delivery location?
What is the delivery address?
Deliver material to the loading dock or to a specific room? Default location is loading dock. Provide a room number if it is a specific room.
Any special requirements for delivery?
Asset Information
How many pieces are being shipped?
Have a file with the dimensions and weight of material to be shipped? Upload it here!
Is any one piece over 75lbs? If so how many?
Total weight of shipment
Any FRAGILE materials?
If yes, describe
Are the materials loose or will they be on pallet(s)?
Event Information
If this is going to an event, what is the name of the event?
What is the booth number, if applicable?
What is the name of the decorator, if applicable?
What is the name of the Event Manager at the event site?
What is the phone number of the Event Manager at the event site?
What is the email address of the Event Manager?
Please enter the Show Quick Facts URL, if applicable.
Return Shipment Information
What is the pick-up date of the return shipment?
Can materials be picked up between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM (local time), or does it need to be picked up at a specific time?
When is the carrier check-in time for the event?
Specific time (additional fee applies)
What is the pick-up location for the return shipment?
What is the pick-up address for the return shipment?
If the materials are not at the loading dock, where will the materials be located for pick-up? Default pick-up location is the loading dock.
Is the return address the same as the original pick-up address? If not, specify the address
Do the pallet(s) need to be broken down for inside delivery?
Other requirements for delivery not listed above
Asset Information for Return Shipment
How many pieces are being shipped?
Have a file with the dimensions and weight of material to be shipped? Upload it here!
Is any one piece over 75lbs? If so how many?
Total weight of shipment
Any FRAGILE materials?
If yes, describe
Are the materials loose or will they be on pallet(s)?
Form Navigation
Pick-up Information
Delivery Information
Asset Information
Event Information
Return Shipment Information
Asset Information for Return Shipment